On Being a Sensitive Soul…
From one of my favorite sites...
On Being a Sensitive Soul…
We feel the pain of those around us,
And, the depths of our own pain as well.
Not just in our thoughts,
Or, our feelings.
But, in our souls.
In our hearts.
In each of our cells.
Energy. Vibration. Auras.
We feel that too.
We absorb it.
Us, Sensitive souls.
And, sometimes,
It can all become too much.
We can’t hide it any longer.
We protect ourselves with excess weight.
We play small. Try to disappear.
Hold back, stay quiet.
Avoid conflict.
Smile, wear a mask.
Be nice. Be good.
Don’t rock the boat.
We try to hold it all inside.
But, inevitably we can’t.
Let’s try and numb the pain.
Drinking, eating, shopping.
Numbed and muted.
But, it’s still there.
The pain always comes back.
Healing is the way out.
So, can you choose healing today?
Can you surrender?
Can you let your pain be felt?
Feel your feelings,
Let them be transformed.
Let them be Healed.
Let yourself Heal…
Flood your heart with gentleness,
Compassion and inner peace.
Nourish yourself from within.
Fill your heart center with Love.
Find some quiet moments just for you.
To be still and breathe fully.
Paint loosely. Dance freely.
Sing loudly. Write poetry.
And just let yourself be.
Let yourself be heard.
Speak up. Stand tall.
Connect with your inner courage.
Give yourself permission,
To be brave.
To be an inspiration.
To shine brightly.
To find your inner light.
Let your love radiate out.
The world needs you.
Know that you are
A beautiful blessing.
An absolute delight…
A special gift in this world.
Thank you for being you.
From my sensitive heart to yours.
Wishing you many, many blessings,
Love Katrina xo